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Kindness T-shirt Challenge

Up for the challenge? 
During our pause in life. Let us grow in kindness. Create your own Please and Thank You T-shirt. Use supplies you have at home (turn an old T-shirt inside-out) or purchase supplies online. Post a video of your creation, and tell us what you're thankful for.

We have so much to be thankful for. Let's share our creativity and our thankfulness.
Adults, wear your T-shirts -- and a smile -- when you have to go grocery shopping.
Let's take the time to make a change that lasts.


-- Use an old T-shirt or purchase T-shirts and supplies online

-- The T-shirt MUST say "Now is the time for Please and Thank You"

-- Post your creation on the Please and Thank You Foundation's Facebook page

-- Wear your T-shirts when you have to go out.